Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring is almost over

Twas a beauteous day in spring and all the boids was on the wing
Oh my woid, how absoid,
I thought the wing was on the boid!

Our winter begins and ends with our rain. Everything turns green and if we get enough we have wild flowers.
The birds are nesting, singing their territorial sons. One pair began a nest on our front porch light! but that is too close, so we discouraged them and they began again in a hanging basket. The gophers are proliferating. creeks run, and ducks pair off, we have a momma mallard in the creek and two daddies following her. The oxalis blooms in the front lawn, and all the polliwogs in Diane's fish pond have turned into full voiced frogs. The skunks are leaving us alone, I guess they are holed up having babes. Along with the possums, raccoons, wood rats, and field mice. 

 Our phoebes didn't leave this last winter, so I don't know where they are nesting, with the rains they may not use our eaves, they do love the water and eat lots of bugs. The bald eagles they reintroduced to our reservoir have increased every year, so now I hear there are over 7,000 pairs in California. Life is good 

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