Monday, March 24, 2008

Day trip to Avila

This morning we had no appointments, no classes so we took a trip north to Avila in San Luis Obispo county. It was a marvelous day a little warm so we drove most of it with the air conditioner on. The beach was nicely habited with kids on their Spring break. Not having suits I can't attest to the water temp. We drove to the end of the road and walked out on the "Olde" pier, where lots of food from the sea was sold and sea lions sun themselves on the platforms just above the surface. there were 4 or 5 cramped into one small patch of sunshine so we heard lots of grumbling when one of them wanted to move. Rikki was interested but in a very cautious way. Some of them seemed quite frendly and put flippers over their buddies.
The wild flowers were blooming, lots of lupins and poppies.


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