Saturday, March 29, 2008

Friday Feast

Last night we hosted some lovely people for dinner there was good wine, good food, and good conversation. I cleaned up the pool yard, while Elspeth did the house. I did the stove and picked up stuff. You know? we have altogether too much stuff. We tend to accumulate, and have a lot of trouble getting rid of it, somehow. We give to several charitable organizations but still grow. I think because we have lived in the same place for about 44 years people leave us stuff, For years I subscribed to the Readers Digest condensed books. association and monthly they sent me a group of novels in one tome. I always said some day when I have time I would sit down and read them, then there is our collection of National Geography's, Smithsonian magazine,  old Mensans, Scots magazine and some old Playboys! aside from their prurient interest, they have good articles! (yea right) A friend recently sent me and E-mail with the collection of all the centerfolds of Playboy! Talk about interesting material. When Mr. Hefner first began publishing he offered a lifetime subscription for something like $50, unfortunately I didn't take advantage.  Lets see 12 times 50 = a whole lot of magazines. I once advertised my playboys and the only people interested were some pubescent males.


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