Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Metamorphisis of Me

A very long time ago I came into this world naked. Then I wore a loin cloth. after that I wore Levis, then pants, trousers and shorts with a belt. Ten one day in the 70's I found my shorts fell every time I served a tennis ball. (this was OK as long as I served an Ace, But unfortunately that didn't happen too often). So I stumbled on suspenders, and my game improved dramatically. Then one day while playing golf my follow through dragged my wrists across my metal suspender grips, and I bled so bad I had to give up golf. I also had a problem with sitting at the dining table. The grips in the back scratched the hell out of the chair, and every time after 9/11 going through airport security I set off alarms, then I would have to put the suspenders in the box with my keys and change. Then we went back to the old story where my pants fell off! Right in front of a plump lady in an official uniform of "Homeland security" She saw no humor in my situation. This made me snicker. 
Now I have finally turned into a butterfly, with my delightful all in one coveralls. I have them in "Royal blue", "Forest green" and "Navy blue" I almost got a pair of "prisoner orange" then I thought of the lady from homeland security and decided against it. The zipper on these suits zip from the bottom or the top. Not quite far enough, so if you see a man in a bright blue suit hunched over in front of the urinal take pity, and don't laugh. There is one last thing if for some reason I have to remove them to facilitate some waste elimination, don't snicker if I have a wet sleeve. I is very hard to pull them off and watch where the sleeves go.


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