Sunday, April 6, 2008

Jesus Saves...But I don't

I'm really pissed off!  Like the pubic hair on the toilet seat.  I had an excellent blog written and illustrated. I left it sitting, thinking I would come back from the dog park, proofread and send it on. There is a box on the bottom in blue that says SAVE NOW then a light face that says Draft autosaved at 10:39 PM but I was too chicken to press it because it gave me a message "Do you really want to do this"? now I'm immediately shivering in self doubt. I have had a mess of beautiful prose lost forever into the depth of this dumb machine. Any way I lost it, I tried to blame somebody, anybody for the loss but I end up on the short list. No sense crying over spilt milk. That phrase conjures up a barn floor with straw and manure all over and a pail of freshly squeezed milk running away. (does that still translate, freshly squeezed OJ and milk?)I still don't know how to copy and paste and I really hate to rewrite anything. It never comes out as succinct or witty the 2nd time around.  When I first began forgetting things, I bitched to my Dr. and he had me tested, no Alzheimer's. So I'll just live with it. 
Last month my name came to the Jury commissioner, Call this number on this day, well this was several weeks in advance so I marked the calendar, and clipped the notice to the board. On the designated day I called, a recording said call back next Monday, Well I didn't write that down and Monday came and Tuesday came and Wednesday, Thursday and Friday! On Saturday a light bulb went off while I sat whittling in the dog park. OH! SHIT! I blew it again! So when I got home I called the machine and the recording told me My number was to report to the courthouse the following Monday!!!! They hadn't missed me at all! Now I must go and sit all day while they try to impanel a jury. At my age I can be excused, but sometimes it can be entertaining. So I'll go and sit for one day and see.


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